What is the Creative Purpose Project ™
The Creative Purpose Project is the perfect program for musicians, artists, and anyone looking to get unstuck, clear mental space, and create meaningful work.
This 6-week program provides an easy-to-follow framework to help you discover your purpose, create an action plan, and get the accountability you need to bring your project to life.
Through group coaching, you'll learn how to ask for help, collaborate with others, and make meaningful progress toward completing your creative goals.
With the Creative Purpose Project™, you can start achieving your goals and making progress toward the life you want.

It's Your Time To Shine
In this innovative program, you will connect with your inner artist and
discover creativity you were not even aware existed.
Identify the purpose of your talents & your dreams
Prioritize the projects that are the most important NOW
Create the space to create
physically and mentally
Free your voice and express your authentic self
Move past the writer blocks and into productive action
Transform self-sabotage into self-confidence
Develop a mindset to finish what you've started
Discover a creative process that brings your work to life
Devise a solid action plan to actualize your dreams

6 weeks of guided self-exploration
5 group coaching sessions
2 personal coaching sessions
Access to a private Facebook group and texts
Connection with other musicians & artists
Unlimited text and email support with your coach
Check in-calls with your coach and Project peers
Individualized program to meet your goals.
A creativity workbook is included to help you plan your course of action.

Meet Your Coach
Skip Sams
Skip Sams is the Founder and Head Coach of The Creative Purpose Project™. He is an award-winning composer and multimedia producer. Skip has over 16 years of recovery from crystal meth, alcoholism, and bipolar disorder. In 2004, he was diagnosed with HIV. For over a decade, Skip has been defying these diagnoses and helping musicians and performing Artis who have lost their technical skills, disconnected from their inner music, and whose spark of creativity has gone dark. His mission is to help 10,000 musicians share their light and hope of recovery through 10,000 recordings and 10,000 performances by 2030. Skip last smoked a joint on April 19th, 2006, making his sobriety date 4/20.
My Mission
I help empower musicians and artists in recovery who struggle with being creative without the use of mind-altering substances by reclaiming and expanding their technical skills; restoring connection to a higher source of creativity and reigniting their spark to light up the whole world again.